
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Math Work Stations - Chapter 1 & 2

So I am a day behind on the book study blog party... but it is because my book just came TODAY!

I love that it is spiral-bound and the spiral is red! Also in the mail, I got Dear Abby's Healthy Moms Advice Kit! I got five copies of a selection of the FDA's publications for Women's Health. I'm hanging onto these just in case a mom of one of my students ever sees a need! I have a ton of government-made publications in my life that I've ordered for my classroom because they are FREE!

Anyway, I got right to work reading chapters one and two. Sadly, I really do not have a lot to contribute so far because I'm just starting next year! I am really hoping that I will have lots of math manipulatives - but I teach at a private school and it seems like they don't typically buy "stuff" that comes with curricula... mostly just the textbooks and teacher's manual. But we'll see! I really need to get in there and organize everything. Chapter two was especially helpful and I will definitely bring the book with me to keep me going in the right direction. :)

I've never been in a classroom that has used any kind of independent math centers or stations - only whole-group instruction. Clearly that is not the best method for the students. I think I have my work cut out for me trying to implement math work stations in the fall, it being my first year teaching, but I can't bring myself to just teach whole-group!

One question I have for everyone - I'm teaching a 1/2 split class in the fall, and math is taught separately. I'm not sure how I will be able to teach both grades separately, and do math work stations, and do small group teaching! Does anyone have experience with this, or have any helpful tips that I could use? I would appreciate anything you have to offer. :)

Check out Mrs. Wills's blog for other teachers' AWESOME reflections on these chapters!


  1. I taught a 1st/2nd split last year and will again next year:) You can check out my blog as to how I do it in my room: and click on "guided math". Let me know if I can be of further help! I love teaching math this way!!! :)

  2. Congratulations on your new, upcoming class! I know you will find some great resources on these blogs.

    Thanks for linking in!
    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  3. Hi- not sure if this will help you at all but I have co-taught the last couple years and we had 36 1st graders. This has been our method for teaching math... maybe something will work?

    We give a pretest for every chapter to see where the students are. Based on this information, we make centers and guided math groups.

    Low group- works with me 1st. I work with this group on today's lesson- this gives me the chance to see if they understand, help them before sending them off to give it a try independently.

    this low group goes to independent seat work next- this gives them the chance to work on the problems we just did as a small group.

    After independent work the students will go to math station which will continue to work on the skills we are working on at this time.

    After this rotation for the low group, I make the time to meet with them again as an intervention group- we spend 10 minutes working on another area that they are struggling in (number flashcards if struggling with number recognition etc)

    Middle group rotation
    -independent work
    - meet with teacher to see if they are understanding the lesson
    - math station
    -math station review of other skills (while I work with my low intervention group)

    High Group
    -math station
    -independent work
    -meet with teacher
    -math station review of other skills

    Hope this makes sense and helps- if you have any questions, please feel free to ask :-)
    Primary Connections
