I have learned in the past 3 weeks of my life that first and second graders are wooooooooorlds apart when it comes to their levels of independence as well as their depth of understanding. It is not easy to teach first and second grade in one big group! At my school, we only split up Math and Reading. Right now, I'm teaching the first grade writing curriculum to the whole group because I know my second graders didn't write last year.
Does anyone else use Write Source? I like it so far! It is pretty straightforward and I think the kids are getting it.
Anyway, the point of that whole story was that there are a LOT of things that the second graders know like the back of their hands, and the first graders have nooooo clue what I am talking about. One example of this is even and odd numbers. The second graders have them memorized while the first graders are lost. So, when I saw The Teacher Wife's post about Even and Odd Street, I fell in love!! [Also, I think I've said the phrase "Even and Odd Street" to my boyfriend about 2839749875 times in the past two days... he's probably relieved that I did this so quickly, haha!]
We did this today, and my kids fell in love too.
I didn't put them up on the street until after school, so I'm pretty sure they are going to freak out when they come in tomorrow morning. I used the printables that Lindsey shared and just copied them onto construction paper for the Even Houses. Then for the Odd Houses, I just copied the template on regular paper. We talked about what "odd" means, and then I told them to make the weirdest house they ever saw! Mainly they just scribbled but they were super proud of their work. During afternoon wrap-up, they all said that was their favorite part of the day - making the houses. I hope they use Even and Odd Street as a resource throughout the year!!
Okay, onto the second part of my post... top 10! Mechele from Barrow's Hodgepodge listed me in her top 10 list!! That was a shock to me because I am so new! :)
I'm pretty sure that everyone I will mention has already received the Top 10 award.... but oh wells. :) I will just name a couple!!
I just started following Lindsey like two days ago and I already love her! She offers lots of free things and has awesome ideas!! And I love her blog design too.
Thanks Jill for the sweet words!! Haha and I love leaving you comments and making you signs :)
Miss Kindergarten
Thank you so much!!!!!!! :) :) :) I do NOT know how you teach a combo and my hat goes off to you! Every year, I am afraid I will get the combo but I never do. Hang in there!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Thanks Jill! You totally made my day! I love reading your blog too! One of favorite parts about blogging has been making blogging friends and getting cool ideas from them (like when you totally saved me with that magic playdough!). Hope you are having a great week!
Keen on Kindergarten