
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where Did All This Stamina Come From?

Three of my students, sitting EEKK, reading together - and I didn't tell them to!!!!! They chose to when they were done with their work. WOW!

I attempted to start Daily 5 at the beginning of the year. It didn't go over so well (we had a lot of stamina difficulties), and my reading program consultant told me I should be giving the kids the program's worksheets, not having them read to themselves.

So I quit. :(

But I'm wondering now if we are ready to start up again!

As I hope you can tell, today was pajama day. When you are 6, this apparently translates to "do whatever you want and pretend you can't hear your teacher" day. But that didn't last for long. Maybe because I said I would take their blankets away... haha.

In the afternoon, we had an all-school reading together thing. I was proud of my class! We were down there for 50 minutes and they had JUST come from P.E., but they held it together pretty well. I'm not going to lie - they weren't absolutely perfect, but they generally stayed in the same spot and generally were reading or being read to!

Yay! I have a class of readers. :)

I almost forgot to do my 12 questions of the day! Today they come from Mechele at Barrow's Hodgepodge.

  1. What is your go to recipe when you have a long day at work? I live with my parents, so I don't cook......... but I was on my own for a while! I made lots of nachos, haha.
  2. If you weren't a teacher what profession would you like to have? I feel like I might want to be a lawyer who advocates for children.
  3. What are some of your favorite graphics you use when creating your units? I've never made a unit. :( It is one of my goals though!
  4. What is your favorite city in the United States that you have visited? This is sort of the same answer as yesterday... but I will say San Diego. I was also in Carlsbad and Oceanside and Vista and Escondido so all of those combined into one mega city, that is the best city. Haha!
  5. What is your favorite song? My favorite song ever? Ay yi yi. I am really into dancy songs. One of my favorites is Single Ladies! I also love Sexy and I Know It. So do my students, isn't that great? So appropriate for school.
  6. Do you play an instrument? I do! I play the flute, I have been playing since I was in 3rd grade. But I haven't played in a few years. I would love to learn to play the piano.
  7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate. And I will ONLY ever eat chocolate.
  8. What is your favorite spring activity? My birthday is in the spring, so ... my birthday! Haha! I also like being able to go outside with a light coat on. 
  9. Would you rather have a new handbag or a new pair of shoes? I'm not really a fashionista but I would rather have shoes because you don't have your purse with you all the time... but you're always wearing your shoes. So you get more joy out of them!
  10. What is your favorite fruit? I love berries. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, YUM!
  11. What is your favorite science/social studies unit to teach? I love teaching these subjects! I really liked teaching matter because the kids were SO into it. I am looking forward to teaching about weather though. I love Social Studies but it is harder to make it exciting, sadly.
  12. What is something you use in your classroom on a daily basis? My whiteboard easel. And my non-magnetic whiteboard. But mostly my easel. I am really happy that I asked for it!


  1. Yay for a class of readers! That is such a tribute to all you have done with them :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  2. I love Daily 5! Someone actually told you to do worksheets? Ugh.


  3. Yeah, we're not allowed to do Daily 5 either. Fidelity to the core and all that. But as the year goes by, my kids can read and read and read so I hear what you're saying!!
    I love berries, too! YUM!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher
