
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back to School Postcards

Tonight I carried on a tradition that I started last year at this time - sending back to school postcards to my incoming class!
When I was going into third grade myself, I remember getting a postcard from my third grade teacher and thinking it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I still have it now, and I'd show it to you, but I used it last year as a template for my postcards and I have no idea where it is now!

Here is what I wrote on my postcards this year, if you're looking for some ideas. My inspiration was from Proteacher!
This was the first grade version. I altered it slightly for my second graders, all of whom I had last year in first grade. I also had a write a completely different note for one postcard because I have brothers in my class this year and I didn't want their postcards to say the same things.

My students last year LOVED these postcards. On the first day of school, they were all so excited to tell me that they got my card in the mail, and I heard throughout the year that they were still hanging onto them. :)

I bought my postcards from my teacher store, but if you're looking to save a trip to the store, Lindsey at The Teacher Wife has some she made that you can have for free!

Do you send back to school postcards?


  1. Those are wonderful! I send a simple "brochure" to all of my 3rd graders. They love to get mail addressed just to them! Also, if I ever go anywhere during the school year, I am sure to mail each of them a postcard.

  2. I am amazed at how neat your handwriting is on that postcard. Whenever I do things like that, I get super sloppy! I'm sure your kiddos love getting those cards...straight to the fridge. What a great way to make them feel special.
    The Teaching Thief
