
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Second First Day!

Today was the first day of my second year of teaching! Go me!
We had a half day, and it went AMAZINGLY well. Like, I was boggled as to what was happening in my classroom. They got a little squirrely in the last hour or so, but they're essentially all BFFs who haven't seen each other in a few months... so I wasn't too tough on them. :)

We started Daily Five today, and it went crazy well. Last year when I tried to launch D5, we read to ourselves for 17 seconds on the first day.

17. Seconds.

Today I actually had to stop them at 3 minutes! I almost died. I told them afterwards that I was AMAZED and I couldn't believe what was happening, haha! Then we walked down the hall in complete silence with our hands behind our backs and our bubbles in our mouths.

It wasn't all perfect! I did forget to collect their supplies, which led to general craziness at dismissal time. We enjoyed some Jitter Juice (courtesy of Abby), which was very fun!
 But it was a little too unstructured for us on the first day.  I'm sure it's just the way I taught it, because it was super fun and the activities were awesome! I learned quickly that we need lots of structure in my class. And that's cool, I can work with it. :)

So, tomorrow's another day! We're launching Writer's Workshop (which is new for all of us) and learning the 3 ways to read a book! And some math stuff too. :)

Question for ya - tomorrow we have our Technology special, but our Tech teacher isn't coming in. I want to take my class to the computer lab just to get us into the routine. Any thoughts on what we can do while we're there for 30 minutes?


  1. Do your kids need to sign permission slips for internet? If not, then starfall, Fun Brain, or other educational sites.

    Or let them play in Paint.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher
    Endless Pinabilitites!

  2. Have them do something on wordle about themselves! You'll get a peek into their thoughts and their spelling skills... and it's super fun!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  3. Yay for first days!! I'm so glad it went well for you, Jill. You're class sounds like they're going to be fun this year!!

    Peacocks & Penguins

  4. Congrats on a smooth (second) first day!! Hope your year stays this great :)

  5. Hooray for a great first day! It sounds like your class is off to a great start. I love the picture of them drinking their jitter juice. So cute! :)

    The Teaching Thief

  6. Yeah for more than 17 seconds- although it is amazing what they can get into in 5!!! :) happy second first day!

  7. I'm eager to read more of your posts! YOU ARE amazing and must be exhausted at the end of the day!
