
Monday, September 3, 2012

September Currently

Happy September!
Yesterday, I spent the day with my BTF! Part of our awesome day was me baking these muffins:
OMG. Super delicious. Here is the recipe I used - I just made them in a muffin tin and reduced the cooking time to about 20-25 minutes. :)

Happy Labor Day! Hope you are able to relax and enjoy your 3-day weekend. :)


  1. Those muffins look yummmy..I'll have to check out the recipe! Congrats on being a second year teacher!

    Sparkles , Smiles, and Student Teaching

  2. Those muffins look delicious. I want to go to an apple orchard. Fall is my favorite time of year :)

  3. Muffins...did someone say muffins!!!! I'll be right over!

  4. I want a muffin! I cannot bake, so maybe I will visit Panera after looking at these :)
    My Second Sense

  5. Found you on Farley's Currently... I did my student teaching in a 1st/2nd multiage classroom and LOVED it! So cool! Oh, and I will also be trying out that muffin recipe! YUMMM!!!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!
