
Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Ears Are Too Beeg For My Head! {repost}

{Hi friends! I originally made this post about a week ago, but there were some issues with the discount code. However, they've all been taken care of now! Feel free to enjoy the new discount code below!}

Skippyjon, holla!

So, a few weeks back I stumbled across the cutest stuffed animal ever, Skippyjon! I found him at Kohl's, which I blogged about that same night, for the low low price of $5! And all of the proceeds go to support kids' health and education initiatives. :)
Since my last Skippyjon post, I was contacted by a company working with Kohl's who offered to give me and you a special deal!

If you make a purchase through, you can use the code UBLOGTEN through October 24th to save 10% on your order! You can also stack your savings with one other department specific code as well. 

Happy shopping!!


  1. I got my Skippyjon Jones!! And I just told my family all about him! :)

  2. It says I have to spend $100 to use that code. =(

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I've emailed the representative and I'll get this straightened out ASAP!

  3. Jill, where abouts are you? I had never been to Lake Geneva. We were only there about 24 hours, and we didn't get to see the town at all :( It was beautiful from what I could see!
